Friday, January 3, 2020

Poverty And How People With Poverty Suffer Real...

As a college student pursuing a career, I found it interesting to research the topic of poverty and how people with poverty suffer real psychological issues. Psychology class made me think about problems in a different perspective. Poverty is a serious societal problem that people struggle with everyday with out knowing how much of a psychological toll it takes on these people. It only gets harder as they dig themselves a hole they cannot climb out of. Although some social, economic, and political forces do drive these people in the ground, it is vital to know the psychological roles that play part. Psychological concepts and theories such as self-worth and psychological empowerment have a big role in helping people in poverty. It all starts with a healthy lifestyle and environment. When walking down the streets of Chicago, I began to realize from a mental aspect of how hard it must be for people in poverty to struggle with everyday life situations. When a person lives in pover ty, living conditions put the individual at very low risk of living. Poor mental heath is both a cause and consequence of poverty. Poor mental health leads to an inadequate access to simple health tips, lack of education, and a loss of societal norms. Theses causes often lead to very high levels of stress, depression, anxiety, and insecurity. People on the streets live an unhealthy lifestyle, physically and mentally. Psychological disorders such as depression, anti-social personalityShow MoreRelatedSexual Assault Prevention Seminar For College Students Essay1220 Words   |  5 PagesViolence against women is defined as any act of gender-based violence that results in or is likely to result in—physical, sexual/psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of acts such as coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private. 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