Monday, January 20, 2020

Climate Change and Air Pollution in Australia Essay -- Global Warming E

Climate Change and Air Pollution in Australia Air Pollution Fortunately for Alice Springs and much of the Northern Territory, its remote location and low population density mean that the city is not a large source of air pollution. In fact, in a report issued by the Northern Territory Minister of Infrastructure, Planning, and Environment, it is said that while doing testing for the National Environmental Protection Measure the government only tested for particulate matter in Alice Springs, instead of the whole slate of air pollutants, which would have included Carbon Monoxide, Ozone, Sulfur Dioxide, and Nitrogen Dioxide. These other pollutants were not a concern, because of the location and low population density of Alice Springs. While testing for particulate matter, the study found only two days over the entire year where particulate matter levels exceeded the National Environmental Protection Measure standards. This was attributed to bushfires and households burning wood for heat in the winter. Although this particula r study did not test for them, Alice Springs does produce significant amounts of greenhouse gases. In June 2006, the Alice Springs Town Council issued the Local Action Plan to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions, in which they explain how much CO2 the town emitted in 1996, and exactly where the emissions came from. In 1996, the city was responsible for 325,370 tonnes of CO2 emissions. Electricity is responsible for the majority of the emissions, while fossil fuels and waste account for the rest. The Town Council’s plan to reduce these emissions hopes to cut them to 80% of 1996 levels by 2010. They plan to focus on reducing electricity consumption. Within buildings managed by the c... ...n Alice Springs. June 2006. Australian Government Department of Climate Change. Australia’s Solar Cities. Linacre, E. The last ice age in Australia, New Zealand, and Papua New Guinea. Peatling, Stephanie. Australia tops greenhouse pollution index Sydney Morning Herald. 19 June 2004. Vatskalis, Kon. Report to the NEPC on the implementation of the National Environment Protection (Ambient Air Quality) Measure for the Northern Territory.

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