Sunday, November 3, 2019

The recruitment, selection and training of LVMH Essay

The recruitment, selection and training of LVMH - Essay Example The study looks to focus on the recruitment, selection and training and development programs of LVMH. Recruitment can defined as the process by which the employers attract, screens and selects qualified applicants for the job. Selection can be described as the process used by the companies to hire suitable individuals to fill up vacancies in an organization. Training can be viewed as the process of changing behavior and attitudes of the employees to achieve organizational objective. Development on the other hand is some learning activities that are directed towards the potential future needs of the company (Armstrong, 2006). Summary of Findings The recruitment and selection at LVMH is based on the needs of high degree of professionalism. During the recruitment and selection process technical, inter-personal, communication skills are assessed. In dept analysis is used to selection the right person for the right job. Majority of the employees, more than 70% work internationally and int ernational recruitment is of extreme importance to the company (Armstrong, 2000). ... The company also provides career management (Mondal, 2009). Limitations The study has been conducted over a relatively shorter period of time. Therefore findings of the study should be regarded as indicative only. Also the type of data collected is totally secondary and qualitative in nature. Hence, the findings of the study may not represent a holistic picture but rather an indicative picture of the recruitment, selection, training and development process of LVMH. Implications of the Study The study focuses on the importance of training and development as well as recruitment and selection towards the achievement of organizational objectives. Training and development as well as recruitment and selection are not just part of HRM strategy. Rather the training and development as well as recruitment and selection are part of the overall corporate objective. In the modern day business where employees are treated as the biggest asset; it is important for the companies to select the right e mployees to do the right job. Therefore the overall training and development as well as recruitment and selection are of extreme importance. The goes up criticality and importance of training and development as well as recruitment and selection when an international business unit like LVMH is taken into consideration. In that case the company has to consider international cultures, values and needs and demands of the internal (employees) and external customers (consumers) (Goswami, 2010). Recommendations From the findings above it can be easily seen that LVMH has a well designed recruitment, selection and training and development plan. However, while critically analyzing the model it can be suggested

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